Introduction to JavaScript Fuzzing

Introduction to JavaScript Fuzzing

Introduction to JavaScript Fuzzing​ 1. JavaScript Fuzzing of npm/nodejs/code (omggif) using jsfuzz In this course, I will fuzz a JavaScript npm/nodejs library (omggif) in order to find uncaught JavaScript exceptions. I will explain how to create a fuzzing harness for this target, run the fuzzer (jsfuzz), handle expected exceptions, analyze a crash and create a…

Fuzzing npm/nodejs WebAssembly parsing library with jsfuzz

Fuzzing npm/nodejs WebAssembly parsing library with jsfuzz

Fuzzing javascript nodejs/npm WebAssembly parsing library with jsfuzz I asked recently on twitter what should be my next blogpost subject and voters choose this one, so here it is. In this short blogpost, I will first introduce jsfuzz, a coverage-guided javascript fuzzer for nodejs/npm packages. Then, I’ll discuss about the wasm binary parsing library I…

Fuzzing JavaScript WebAssembly APIs using Dharma/Domato (Chrome/v8)

Fuzzing JavaScript WebAssembly APIs using Dharma/Domato (Chrome/v8)

Fuzzing JavaScript WebAssembly APIs using Dharma/Domato (V8 engine) First of all, Happy new hacking year everyone 😉 I got asked multiple time if fuzzing WebAssembly APIs of Javascript engines is complicated, so here is a short tutorial using Dharma (but you can use Domato if you prefer). In this blogpost, I will first detailed which WebAssembly…