Introduction to Fuzzing Golang

Introduction to Fuzzing Golang

Introduction to Fuzzing Golang code 1. Fuzzing Go package using go-fuzz & libfuzzer In this course, I will first select a popular Golang library and identify the most interesting methods to fuzz. Then, I’ll explains how to use go-fuzz and libfuzzer to compile the fuzzing target. Finally, I’ll show how to run the fuzzer. 2….

Fuzzing npm/nodejs WebAssembly parsing library with jsfuzz

Fuzzing npm/nodejs WebAssembly parsing library with jsfuzz

Fuzzing javascript nodejs/npm WebAssembly parsing library with jsfuzz I asked recently on twitter what should be my next blogpost subject and voters choose this one, so here it is. In this short blogpost, I will first introduce jsfuzz, a coverage-guided javascript fuzzer for nodejs/npm packages. Then, I’ll discuss about the wasm binary parsing library I…